Monday, December 25, 2023

033. Jamnagari Bandhani

Jamnagari Bandhani is an ancient, dyeing technique dating back to Indus Valley Civilisation. The fabric is tied in intricate patterns with the help of nails, beads or grain, which prevents the colour from seeping into the tied areas during dyeing. The technique has been so perfected that the most intricate patterns emerge with vibrant backgrounds. 

Jamnagari Bandhani is very closely associated with deep rooted social customs. It is a must in the marriages of Hindus and Muslims. They are produced in two regions, namely, Saurashtra and Kachchh in Gujarat. Jamnagar Bandhani is well known for its red colour as the water of this area is known to give a particular brightness to colours, specifically reds and maroons.

The production process on the woven fabric using tie-dye method is unique in nature. The cloth either, cotton or silk is procured from the market in bleached form and is printed with design through wooden blocks. Different blocks are used for different designs. It is then tied with a thread by women and girls using the thumb and the forefinger of the right hand. The thread is made to run through a fine millet-stem bobbin, so that it runs smoothly and evenly. A metre long of cloth can have millions of tiny knots known as “Bheendi” in the local Kachchh language. Traditionally it is then resist dyed with vegetable dyes, but now chemical dyes are also used. 

There will be many iterations of this process of dyeing, washing, bleaching and tying depending upon the designs and the colour scheme needed. The designs and colour patterns are so unique that the craft persons use their skill and ingenuity to make unique designs. The entire manufacturing process is manual and so cumber-some and time consuming to make the final product. 

GI Tag Registration Date         : 10 November 2016

GI Tag Number                         : 221

Certificate Number                  : 273

Geographical Area                  : Gujarat

Special Cover Release Date   : 06 April 2021

Cancellation                             : Dandi 396 439

Type                                          : GI Tag Special Cover

Cover Identification Number  : GUJ/09/2021

This cover has QR Code which when scanned leads to Garvi Gurjari website which is Gujarat State Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation. Issued in a special presentation pack with 5 other covers related to GI Tag from Gujarat.

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