Thursday, January 11, 2024

051. Feni

Feni a country liquor of Goa is produced by the fermentation and distillation of cashew apple juice obtained by crushing of cashew apples. It is colourless and has a strong fruity flavour, peculiar taste, strong aroma and astringent smell. 

The word “Feni” is derived as such due to the fact that when the liquor is shaken in a bottle or poured in a glass, some froth is formed which in the local Konkani language is known as “Fen”. The main components of the apple juice are moisture, carbohydrates, proteins, fat, sugar, tannic acid, Carotine, Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Normally, the apples, which have fully ripened and fallen on the ground, are collected, crushed for the extraction of juice and the extracted juice is fermented and distilled without the addition of any foreign ingredient to obtain Feni. Basically, Feni production is undertaken for a period of three months only, as the apples are available only during the months of March, April and May.

Feni is also produced for its medicinal properties. It has been used for treating the ailments such as worm sickness, cold, body ache, fever or flu, toothache, wounds /cuts, cramps, low blood pressure, irregular movement of bowels, loss of sleep for aged people, diarrhea etc. Also, different types of cocktails can be prepared from Feni as base.

Reportedly, Feni is being produced at least for the last 450 years. The process of distillation is traditionally called Bhatti. The production process is also unique as it requires skilled workers and the production secrets are not shared beyond the community, which is engaged in traditional production of Feni. Crushing, fermentation and distillation are still practiced by the traditional method all over the state and thus gives employment to thousands of local people.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 05 March 2009

GI Tag Number                         : 120

Certificate Number                  : 105

Geographical Area                  : Goa

Special Cover Release Date   : 12 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Panaji 403 001

Type                                          : GI Tag Special Cover

Cover Identification Number  : MH/17/2021

This cover is issued in limited quantity of 2000 nos. with serial number printed on each cover

Enlarged View of Illustration

Illustration depicts Cashew Fruit, Juice Extraction and Distillation process

Enlarged View of Cancellation

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