Tuesday, January 16, 2024

056. Nachiarkoil Kuthuvilakku ("Nachiarkoil Lamp")

Nachiarkoil Kuthuvilakku ("Nachiarkoil Lamp") is an ornamental brass lamp which is exclusively made by Pather (Kammalar) community in Natchiarkoil town in Tamil Nadu. They are used on religious and ceremonial occasions. 

The lamp usually consists of four parts, viz base (Keezhbagam), stem (kandam), oil container (Thanguli) and the apex or Prabhai. The Thanguli or oil container consists of V shaped spouts to hold the wicks. These four parts are joined together with the help of screw threads. The central pillar often terminating in a bird or “Prabhai”, generally a picture of Hamsa or Swan.

Kuthuvilakkus may also be made to be suspended by chains from the ceiling, the chains often being richly decorated and always excellent in workmanship and design. Kuthuvilakkus also made in the form of a branching tree each branch ending in a small tray or bowl for the oil and the wick. 

Kuthuvilakkus are manufactured in various sizes and also made in the form of a standing woman holding in her hands a shallow bowl to contain the oil and the wick. Traditional lamps are always been manufacture of bell-metal wares, however, owing to higher cost of bell metal in recent years they are made out of brass. 

Kuthuvilakku is manufactured / produced in two different processes - box moulding and wax moulding. The processes differ only in the type of moulding and casting. Otherwise turning, polishing and engraving are the same, differing only according to the particular design.

The different types of sandy soil - Karuman Sand, Vandal Sand and Savuttu Sand, found around Nachiarkoil are considered to be the best suited for making these lamps as it grips the article firmly while moulding and casting. 

The bell-metal industry has been flourishing in this village for many centuries. Even before that brass ware made out of brass sheets had been the monopoly of the local artisans. After the arrival of  Pather community, the wax moulding processes has been used to manufacture many household articles such as Kuthuvilakku, temple bells and deepams (lamps).

GI Tag Registration Date         : 04 March 2013

GI Tag Number                         : 196

Certificate Number                  : 184

Geographical Area                  : Tamil Nadu

Special Cover Release Date   : 13 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Natchar Koil 612 602

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : TN/10/2021

The cover has a small replica of Natchiarkoil Kutthuvilakku on foil sheet. 2000 Nos of covers are issued and each cover is numbered.

Enlarged View of Illustration

Enlarged View of Cancellation

Few other Special covers related to Natchiarkoil Kuthuvilakku is given below, not an exhaustive list but only items from my collection.

Special Cover Issued on 10 August 2018, Cancelled at Kumbakonam 612 001

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