Thursday, January 18, 2024

058. Waghya Ghevada

Waghya Ghevada (Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris L) is very popular variety of Rajma grown extensively in North Koregaon taluka of Satara district, Maharashtra. Colour of beans is faint pink having red lines on it. These red lines resembles the tiger skin hence this variety is known ‘Waghya Ghevada’. It is also known as “Bamani Pik” , “Koregaon Rajma” or “King Rajma” which has great demand in North India.

This variety is sown in Kharif season particularly in dry land farming and in draught prone area. Total harvesting period is 75 – 80 days. 12 – 14 pods are obtained from one crop. Seeds are mainly selected from previous year’s stock of seed bins. Soil in the Koregaon and Khatav talukas is medium black, well drained loamy soil which is suitable for Waghya Ghevada.

Sowing is done by seed drill in the month of mid-June. As Koregaon is under rain shadow region, in the mid-June climate it becomes cool and cloudy due to raining in the Mahabaleshwar. This particular climate with drizzling rain is much suitable for Waghya Ghevada. 

It is a leguminous crop which helps in conditioning soil by fixing atmospheric Nitrogen. Straws of this crop and cover of dry pods are used as feed for domestic animals. Dry leaves and roots are used as an organic matter. Thus, helps to improve soil fertility. 

Taste of Waghya Ghevada beans is sweeter than other varieties of Rajma. It is a drought resistant variety. It has high nutritional value due to its protein and carbohydrate content. 

Fresh beans from green pods of this variety are used in diet. It is a high calorie food which increases body temperature in cold season. In cold season it is a part of regular diet in northern regions of India like Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Kashmir, Delhi, and Himachal Pradesh. 

GI Tag Registration Date         : 31 March 2016

GI Tag Number                         : 476

Certificate Number                  : 255

Geographical Area                  : Maharashtra

Special Cover Release Date   : 13 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Koregaon 415 501

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : MH/18/2021

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