Wednesday, January 24, 2024

064. Tezpur Litchi

Tezpur Litchi cultivated in Assam is the most popular and excellent variety of litchi with attractive colour, mouth-watering flavour and delicious taste. In Assam, litchi is grown in all districts, however the highest is in the district of Sonitpur. 

Tezpur Litchi is characterized by its pleasant flavour, juicy pulp (aril) and small seed with tight pulp. The shape of the fruits is ovoid /round. The colour of the fruits varies from dull brick red to pinkish brown or attractive red. The pulp is white to greyish white in colour. A single piece fruit of Tezpur Litchi weighs around 70 – 80 g which is the largest in size among all the varieties of litchi grown in Assam. 

Family   : Sapindaceae 

Genus   : Litchi 

Species : Litchichinensis

The tree is propagated by seed and by air-layering. The trees come into production at three to five years of age. This handsome tree develops a compact crown of foliage, which remains bright green the year round. Flowering of the trees starts from February, and is harvested in the month of June –July. Bearing habit of the trees varies according to the varieties. 

Ilachi, Bilaiti, Bombaya, Piyaji, Haldia are some varieties of the Tezpur litchi. Due to the unique and complex combination of soil- climatic conditions prevailing in this region, litchi produced are having distinctive and naturally occurring characteristics. As there is no pest and disease incidence Tezpur litchi is grown completely under organic condition without using any chemicals

The flavour of the fresh pulp in musky, when dried, it is acidic and very sweet. Not only sweet, juicy and tasty, litchi has many nutritive values. The juice sugar content is highly energy-giving and highest among the varieties of litchi. 

Tezpur Litchi is a rich source of vitamin C and contains fair amount of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and small amount of Vitamin B. Its principal chemical constituents are carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins, pigments and a bit of fat

The fruit is eaten fresh and canned in syrup. Jelly can also be prepared out of the fruit. A highly-flavoured squash prepared from it is quite popular during the summer months. Apart from squash, various kinds of beverages, such as sherbet, nectar, etc. can be prepared from the preserved litchi juice

GI Tag Registration Date         : 27 March 2015

GI Tag Number                         : 438

Certificate Number                  : 230

Geographical Area                  : Assam

Special Cover Release Date   : 26 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Tezpur 784 001

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : ASM/01/2021

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