Tuesday, February 13, 2024

085. Pokaran Pottery

Pokaran Pottery a traditional terracotta pottery known for its unique and distinctive aura is made from village of Pokaran near Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. The clay here is sturdy, pinkish in colour unlike the deep red clay that is generally used for making pottery elsewhere. The pinkish colour gives a dreamy, exquisite and fairy tale like delicate look to products made by the Pokhran potters.

In Pokaran Pottery the village kumbhar (potter) produces simple household items, whereas the kashigar (skilled potter) makes more artistic varieties. Earlier the potters of Pokaran used to make household products like matka, kulhars and with passage of time and expertise they moved to decorative items like vases, toys, pen stands etc

Some of the products include Magic lamps, Clay scrubber for body, Lamps that float in water, Diwali lamps, Decorative pots, wall hanging pots and animal shapes like fish, tortoise, snail, elephant, giraffe, horse, camel, pig, bull, owl, duck etc.

The soil is brought from an area 5 kms away called Rind. In this area rain water gets collected as a result of which the soil takes a particular viscosity, ideal for the pottery. Hence, it is the particular climate and soil of the area which differentiates Pottery of Pokaran and makes it unique.

The clay in Pokaran is very fine in texture. Once fired, the products become very tough and last for years. Some of the ancient Pokaran Pottery grain silos are over 100 years old said to be lasting for over three generations and are still in use.

Clay, dung cakes, grass straw, coal, firewood and ash are the main raw materials for making this Pottery. Appropriate quantity of water is poured and the hard soil is beaten by hand to prepare the clay dough. Once the clay dough is made it is placed on the chok or potter's wheel and spun. As the wheel spins around, the potter uses his hands to shape the clay into pot or any other product. 

After it is shaped into the required form, finer detailing and designing is done by the nimble fingers of the craft person or fine small tools. Once a number of products are made, then they are put in the kiln for firing. 

A large pit is dug and Ash is put as the first layer. Over that cow dung cakes, firewood and other available inflammable items are put as the second layer. Pieces of broken & discarded earthen vessels/pots are put as the third layer, which acts as the support to the raw pottery products that are made. 

Once the raw products are placed, these are again covered by a layer of broken pieces of earthen vessels and another layer of ash and finally some water is sprinkled to add some moisture. Once the kiln is prepared, it is lit. The kiln is left burning for one entire day and then it is allowed to cool down the next day. On the third day products are removed from the kiln. 

Firing turns the products from off-white to reddish and gives strength to last for years. After cleaning the ash from the products, the final product is ready.

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