Sunday, February 18, 2024

091. Shahi Litchi of Bihar

Shahi Litchi of Bihar is a unique variety of litchi mainly grown in Muzaffarpur, Samastipur, Vaishali, East Champaran and Begusarai and some parts of adjoining areas. Its known for its very attractive fruits of crimson red colour, pleasant aroma, juiciness, good sugar acid blend and high pulp to seed ratio.  It is said that due to high calcium content in soil the fruits of litchi are better in these areas.

The scientific name and family details of Shahi Litchi are given below:

Family                : Sapindaceae 

Genus                : Litchi 

Botanical Name : Litchi chinensis Sonn 

Division              : Magnoliophyta 

Class                 : Magnoliopsida 

Order                 : Sapindales 

Family                : Sapindaceae 

Sub family          : Nepheleae

The plant of this variety is semi vigorous, dense, round-topped, slow-growing, 6-10 m high and equally broad. Leaf is dark green, medium size and lamina curved upward (boat shaped). 

Leaflets are leathery, smooth, glossy, dark-green on the upper surface and greyish-green beneath. Fruits are of large size, nearly round in shape, crimson red in colour. Peel is thin and stone is of medium size. Juicy aril is of cream colour with a juice percent of 58-67. 

The plant of shahi litchi is propagated through vegetative means by air layering or 'gootee'. It is done after completion of fruiting and with onset of monsoon i.e. in the month of June. Planting is normally done during July -September after the monsoon has set in. Before planting, the land is thoroughly ploughed and leveled. 

Suitable wind break trees like silver oak, sesbania, drumstick, etc. are planted along the boundary of litchi plantation to protect the young plants from hot winds and cold waves. Young plants are also be covered with thatch by the end of November to protect them from frost injury. 

Frequent irrigation, weed and nutritional management is required for faster growth and early fruiting. Shahi litchi starts flowering at 3-4 years of age. Flowering at early stage is removed and fruiting is generally taken after five years. 

Hardly 15 to 25 percent of initial fruit set reach to maturity. Shahi litchi takes about 8-9 weeks from fruit set to attain maturity. Maturity is marked by the full colour development on peel of the fruit and tubercles become somewhat flattened.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 05 October 2018

GI Tag Number                         : 552

Certificate Number                  : 326

Geographical Area                  : Bihar

Special Cover Release Date   : 25 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Muzaffarpur 842 002

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : BH-07/August,2021

Enlarged View of Illustration

Enlarged View of Cancellation

Back side Scan of Cover

India Post has also issued a Postage Stamp on Shahi Litchi of Bihar, details of the same are furnished below.

Postage Stamp Extracted from Souvenir Sheet 
"Geographical Indications : Agriculture Goods"
Issued on 13 February 2023

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