Thursday, February 29, 2024

102. Solapur Pomegranate

Solapur Pomegranate grown in Maharashtra are known for its attractive colour, smooth and glossy outer Rind, round and large shape. Pomegranate is having juicy covering around its seeds called arils. The number of arils per fruit, size and weight of arils of Solapur Pomegranate is significantly high than other varieties. 

Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is the most favourite table fruit belonging to the Punicaceae family. Origin of Pomegranate is Baluchisthan in Iran and Himalaya in northern India. It is grown commercially in arid and semi-arid regions of India. 

According to National Horticulture Board of India, Maharashtra State is considered as “Pomegranate Basket” in India, largely contributing to Pomegranate cultivation. Solapur is a ‘Pomegranate Hub’ of Maharashtra.

High temperature and low moisture content in the atmosphere for sufficiently long period of Solapur District is apparently responsible for obtaining unique tastes with desirable acidity for these Pomegrantes from Solapur. "Ganesh" and “Bhagwa” are famous Pomegranate varieties cultivated from Solapur District. 

The arils are crushed in cloth to remove the juice and separate the seeds. Then seeds are dried in sun for 5-6 days. The seeds are preserved by rubbing ash on them. Seedlings grown from Pomegranate seeds are used for transplantation after one year. Also “Guti Kalam” is a type of root stock used for planting the Pomegranate plant.

According to water availability, the planting period is decided. Mostly the plantation of Pomegranate is done in February-March or July- August. The land is ploughed 4-6 times to make the soil suitable for planting or growing plants. Pits are dug and are partially filled with soil, sand or murum. 

Before planting the Pomegranate seeds or rootstock in the pits, pits are filled with Organic fertilizers like well decomposed cattle manure, compost or farmyard manure. Seedlings grown in polythene bags or rootstocks are placed over it, and then covered with soil. Small amount of water is provided.

The plants usually bear fruit three years after transplantation. Pomegranate Fruits are mature in approximately 5-6 months from the period of flowering. Fruits are harvested when outer rind has gained distinctive colour and creates metallic sound after tapping. The harvested fruits are kept in shade for a week. This makes the skin harder and stands better in transportation.

The edible part of the fruit is the seeds having a fleshy covering and called arils, which are eaten fresh or used for making juice, jam and paste. The fruit peel, and the tree stem and root bark and leaves are good source of secondary metabolites such as tannins, dyes and alkaloids.

In addition, the fruit is also valued for its pharmaceutical properties. Since ancient times, Pomegranate is known as a “healing food” with numerous beneficial effects in several diseases. In Hindi language, it is well known said that “Sou Bimar Ak Anar” means one Pomegranate may sufficient for 100 Diseased. 

GI Tag Registration Date         : 03 June 2016

GI Tag Number                         : 502

Certificate Number                  : 271

Geographical Area                  : Maharashtra

Special Cover Release Date   : 26 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Solapur 413 001

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : MH/26/2021

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India post has also issued few special covers on Solapur Pomegranate, details of the same is furnished below. Not an exhaustive list but only covers from my collection.

Special Cover cancelled at Kagaon 413225 on 25th September 2021

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