Monday, April 1, 2024

134. Jeeraphool

Jeeraphool is an ancient rice variety cultivated in Surguja district of Chhattisgarh state. It is an aromatic and very soft grain rice variety. The Cropping methods and weather conditions of Surguja contributed greatly to its strong aroma with softness in cooking and other quality attributes.

Jeeraphool derives its name from “Jeera” (Cumin) as its shape resembles that of Cumin. It has an excellent eating quality due to high aroma, special softness and unique taste after cooking.

Jeeraphool rice is especially famous for its taste, aroma and softness after cooking. The rice is white in colour with short grain size. It is strongly scented and very soft when cooked. This rice is preferred because it remains flaky and soften even after cooling, due to its medium Amylose content and other quality traits.

The rice variety is organically cultivated as per their traditions in specially prepared paddy fields of Surguja district bottom hills low lying areas with extra care to maintain its purity. There is historical evidence that Jeeraphool rice was used in celebrations and festivals during the reign of Maharaja Ambikeshwar Sharan Singhdev and offered as prasad in the ancient Mahamaya temple in Ambikapur

Jeeraphool rice is grown in Goda chawar (bunded uplands), Chawar (bunded lowlands) bahara (extreme lowlands) soils. Land preparation is done by ploughing, harrowing and leveling the field to make it suitable for crop establishment.

Nursery is prepared nearer to the main field to minimise the shock during transplanting. At 2-5 leaf stage, the nursery is uprooted and transplanted to the prepared field. Harvesting is done when atleast 75% of the grains are matured. Harvested material is dried in the field and then winnowed. The winnowed grains are then sun dried to remove moisture.

Jeeraphool rice is widely used in eating purpose as Kheer (pudding) and Pulao. It is also used in religious and wedding ceremonies. 'Basi Bhat' is another famous local dish prepared by the tribal people of the surguja district using this rice. 

The flour of Jeeraphool rice is very smooth. The dough is used for making "Chausela" (Poori), anarsa, fara both sweet and sour, chawal, roti and cheela (local Dishes).The kheer (Rice Pudding) made by Jeeraphool rice has creamy texture and peculiar rice flavour and there is no need of adding any flavouring to it

GI Tag Registration Date         : 14 March 2019

GI Tag Number                         : 611

Certificate Number                  : 343

Geographical Area                  : Chhattisgarh

Special Cover Release Date   : 05 September 2021

Cancellation                             : Raipur 492 001

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

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The Permanent Pictorial Cancellation of Raipur GPO depicts Chhattisgarh - Rice bowl of India. Jeeraphool is one of the rice varieties cultivated in Chhattisgarh. It is provided for information, though it is not directly related to Jeeraphool.

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