Tuesday, May 21, 2024

184. Banaras Metal Repousse Craft

Banaras Metal Repousse Craft is raising a design in relief on metal from the back or inside using hammers and punches. Details are then generally done on the design from the front, using chasing or repousee. 

The whole technique is sometimes referred to as ‘chasing’, or embossing (Khal – Ubhar KaKam). The art has been preserved in the by lanes of Varanasi for generations by Kasera community. Repoussé is a method used by traditional artists to create distinctive dishes, doors, traditional ornaments, garments, and faces of gods and goddesses using gold and silver.

Repousse is a metal working technique in which a malleable metal is ornamented or shaped by hammering from the reverse side. It is used to work on the reverse of the metal to form a raised design on the front. The techniques of repousse utilize the plasticity of metal, forming shapes by degrees. There is no loss of metal in the process, as it is stretched locally and the surface remains continuous. 

Image Credit: varanasivideos.com

The historic city of Varanasi has been home to the thriving repoussé craft since the Vedic era. It is believed to be even older than the Banarasi Silk handloom industry. The process of metal repousse craft from start to the end is completely handmade using with the traditional tools in a home-based atmosphere, it is a complete home based work where the artisans are working since generation.

First, drawings of both traditional and modern patterns and designs are made by hand on paper. The metal sheet is prepared and cut. The metal sheet is filled with lac and the design is transferred using traditional small tools. The paper design is removed and embossing work begins with the side which has to be depressed beaten down. 

The lac is then heated and melted. The sheet is reversed and sections to be raised in the finished design are beaten outwards. The process is repeated 3 – 4 times so that all the details are incorporated. The product is washed in acid through an old method of cleaning. 

Banaras Metal repousse may be roughly divided into the religious, ritualistic items and objects of utility. The metals used are brass, copper and bell metal. From the limited domestic use it has moved to various directions, especially into the prestigious ritualistic field.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 31 May 2016

GI Tag Number                         : 398

Certificate Number                  : 264

Geographical Area                  : Uttar Pradesh

Special Cover Release Date   : 13 October 2021

Cancellation                             : Varanasi 221 001

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Cover Identification Number  : UP/95/2021

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