Friday, July 19, 2024

243. Dalle Khursani

Dalle Khursani is the local name for Red Cherry Pepper (Capsicum annum var cerasiforme), cultivated in the mid hills of Sikkim State and Darjeeling district of West Bengal. It is well known for its unique flavour and high pungency. 

It is perennial crop characterized by small to medium sized pods. There is much diversity in Red Cherry Pepper pod viz. dropping pod, erect pod, yellow pod, round pod etc. The crop can be grown round the year under protected condition. Dalle khursani is almost round cherry size and bright red when fully ripen.

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The high flavour is the unique characteristic of this chilli. Besides capsaicin which produces pungency, it contains carotenoids and phenolic compounds and is being used as natural pigment and anti - oxidant agents. It is used in a multitudes of food preparations and marketed in different regions. Fruits are also used making pickle, paste, powder and dry chilli. This chilli has also many medicinal properties.

Dalle khursani are high in vitamin A, vitamin E, and potassium, and low in sodium. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat and drying but vitamin A is very stable, and paprika and dried chilli both contain relatively high amounts of this important nutrient. 

Dalle khursani are well-known for their health benefits. Herbalists have long promoted peppers for their health enhancing effects. These include clearing the lungs and sinuses, protecting the stomach by increasing the flow of digestive juices, triggering the brain to release endorphins (natural painkillers), making the mouth water, which helps to neutralize cavity-causing acids, and helping protect the body against cancer through antioxidant activity

Very addictive, this chilli is a favourite side-dish with the usual 'daal-bhaat' in the Nepal-Sikkim belt. Commonly used for chutneys and sauces along with momos, it is regularly consumed in winters as it keeps the body warm. Giving the sweet-tingly taste, Dalle has now become a very widely used chilli in the North Eastern regions of India due to its addictive taste. It is also eaten with rice alone in many villages of Sikkim to cancel out the intense heat.

There are many homemade recipes using Dalle khursani like Chicken chilli, Dalle achaar etc. But the most infamous one of them is the fermented Dalle along with yak-buttermilk (also known as soft Churpi). The most commonly used form of it is the fermented pickle. From pickles to pizzas inhabitants keep experimenting with food using it. The popular red chutney accompanying Momos most popularly uses this chilli.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 14 September 2021

GI Tag Number                         : 636

Certificate Number                  : 414

Geographical Area                  : Sikkim, West Bengal

Special Cover Release Date   : 31 December 2021

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