Saturday, July 27, 2024

251. Magahi Paan

Magahi Paan (Piper betle L. magahi) is a local and traditional cultivar of betelvine that is grown commercially particularly in magadh region of Bihar by small and marginal farmers. Green Heart Shaped Leaf of betelvine is known as “Paan”. Its leaf is very popular among pan chewers worldwide due to aroma (pungent) and less fibrous soft leaf.

Magahi betel leaf get its name from Magadha where it is exclusively cultivated. The Magadha region of Bihar includes Gaya, Aurangabad, Nawada and Nalanda districts of south Bihar. No one knows how and when the first Magahi plant cuttings reached here but it has been growing for generations. It is believed that the first plant came from Malaysia.

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Magahi paan grown in these areas are of excellent quality and it is expensive among other betel leaf. Magahi Panna’s betel quid is pungent, less fibrous and easily soluble inside mouth. It is known for appearance, shiny dark green colour, typical taste and excellent keeping quality. 

Magahi Paan crop is cultivated under artificial conservatory (Baroj or Baretha) which provide shade conditions. The Baroj structure is generally prepared densely with bamboos or local available paddy straws in these areas. It helps in softness and dark green colour of Magahi Paan.

Betel plants are propagated via cuttings since they don't bear flowers, hence no seeds. The soil is ploughed into long and deep furrows, and the stems are planted besides the furrows where soil accumulates so that water does not reach the plant's root as water logging at the root rot the plants.

Region specific quality attributes are found in Magahi Paan like softness, smooth and glossy leaves which is preferred by Paan chewers & traders. Magahi Paan has long self-life (Keeping quality)of 15 – 20 days as compared to other Paan having only 10-15 days.

Magahi Paan is pungent in nature due to presence of eugenol and acetyleugenol as major components in its essential oil. The taste of Magahi Paan is sweeter than other Paan. Leaf of Magahi paan is the smallest among the all other cultivars of Paan. 

Traditionally paste of betel’s leaf (Paan) or its essential oil is used as treatment of various human diseases and for nutritional purposes. Its juice along with honey or a liquid extract is useful to treat coughs, dyspnoea, and indigestion, among children. Magahi Paan is generally used by common people as mouth freshener, antiseptics, stimulant and for cough relief.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 28 March 2018

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