Friday, August 16, 2024

271. Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice

Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice is a popular traditional aromatic rice cultivar of Wayanad region of Kerala. This scented, non-basmati rice is famous for its characteristic fragrance and aroma. Grains are of medium size and shape (slightly elongated), with golden yellow colour and partial short awns. 

The plants are tall with long duration and are weakly photosensitive. It is a tall variety with weak straw and is susceptible to lodging and is tolerant to pests and diseases. Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice grains are slightly elongated and have intermediate amylose content. Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice cooks moist and tender and does not become hard on cooling.

Wayanad Jeerakasala rice differs from Basmati rice due to growth habit, areas of original cultivation, physico-chemical properties of grains and grain shape. The grains of Basmati, popular aromatic rice variety of India are slender and elongated when compared to this variety. 

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Aromatic cultivars of Rice like Jeerakasala and Gandhakasala are noted in the age-old Malayalam books written on the basis of old verbal recitation in Malayalam called "Krishi Gita" describing the whole agricultural practices followed in Malayalakkara, present day Kerala, during the 17th century. 

The uniqueness and aroma of the product is maintained by adopting organic methods for cultivation. For better aroma, the crop is raised in the Nancha season (winter season) so that flowering coincides with the coldest months of November and December. It is mainly cultivated in kundu vayals (deep fields). 

The faunal diversity associated with paddy fields is rich and plays a significant role in controlling harmful insects and pests. Sixteen species of birds have been reported from these paddy fields. The diversity of fish is also reported to be high in kundu vayals.

Rouging is done periodically by removing off types to maintain varietal purity. Upon attaining physiological maturity, panicles are selected using strict quality standards pertaining to the morphological characteristics for the collection of seeds for the next season. As parboiling of paddy reduces the aroma and quality, the grains are marketed as raw rice.

This aromatic rice is used for the preparation of special food like Ghee rice, also called "Neichore", a delicacy of Kerala, and is a major Mappilah cuisine. Wayanad Jeerakasala rice is also used for the preparation of Uppuma, Payasam , Puttu and rice flakes(aval). 

Rice gruel (karifi) prepared from Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice is used in the diets of infants due to easy digestibility. It is also used as a geriatric food. The straw is highly relished by cattle. The pleasant flavour and aroma of Wayanad Jeerakasala rice fetches a premium price in the market. Other rice cultivars of Wayanad except Gandhakasala are non aromatic and hence are used for ordinary consumption.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 04 October 2010

GI Tag Number                         : 186

Certificate Number                  : 137

Geographical Area                  : Kerala

Special Cover Release Date   : 17 June 2022

Cancellation                             : Sulthan Bakery 673 592

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : KL/19/2022

This cover had a sample of Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice.

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