Sunday, August 18, 2024

273. Wayanad Robusta Coffee

Wayanaad Robusta Coffee is grown specifically in the region of Wayanad, Kerala at higher altitudes of 700 – 2100 m above Mean Sea Level. Majority of the Robusta grown in Wayanad includes old Robusta (Peridinia Robusta), S.274 and Congensis Robusta (C x R).

Robusta coffee, is a species of coffee that has its origins in central and western sub‐Saharan Africa. Robusta variety of coffee was introduced in Wayanad in the second half of the nineteenth century by British East India Company. 

As coffee is a beverage which gets the unique flavour and aroma only when it is roasted and brewed, the main differentiation lies in the organoleptic characters perceived in the cup. The cup characteristics of Wayanaad Robusta Coffee can be described as soft to neutral cup, full bodied, malty and chocolaty note with light to medium flavour. 

The cherry/unwashed/natural Wayanaad Robusta Coffees exhibit slight cherry/fruitiness, chocolaty and herbaceous taste. These characteristics are unique for coffees grown in this region when compared to the other Robusta growing region.

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The botanical name of Robusta is Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner. Biological classification of Robusta Coffee is as given below.

Kingdom        : Plantae 

Division         : Magnoliphyta 

Class             : Magnoliopsida 

Order            : Gentianales

Family          : Rubiaceae

Sub Family  : Ixoroideae 

Genus         : Coffea

Species      : canephora

Robusta is a diploid species and has broad, large leaves that are pale green in colour. The number of flowers per node are higher than in Arabica. The buds initiate during the month of November and ready for blossom in February and March on receipt of summer showers of by irrigation. 

Unlike Arabica, Robusta is self‐incompatible and hence cross pollination is essential. Robusta is generally ready for harvest two months later than Arabica. 

Wayanad is unique for its intrinsic geo‐graphic and climatic peculiarities with the occurrence of ever‐green forests. The terrain provided for coffee delivers a unique aroma and flavour notes to the coffee when roasted. Intercrops grown along with Coffees are pepper, Banana, Ginger and few vegetables. 

Wayanad Robusta are most suitable for blending with Arabica and used for preparing espresso coffee. It enhances the richness and longevity of the espresso blend’s cream without detracting from the flavour.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 01 March 2019

GI Tag Number                         : 605

Certificate Number                  : 332

Geographical Area                  : Kerala

Special Cover Release Date   : 17 June 2022

Cancellation                             : Sulthan Bakery 673 592

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : KL/17/2022

This cover had a sample of Wayanad Robusta Coffee

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