Friday, August 23, 2024

278. Jalna Sweet Orange

Jalna Sweet Orange is traditional variety of sweet orange grown from Jalna district, Maharashtra.  Jalna Sweet Orange variety is known as Nucellar variety which is famous for higher peel (rind) thickness, which gives highest protection to the pulp due to higher potassium and nitrogen content. 

Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeek) is considered as second important citrus species after mandarin orange in India and it shares 23% of production among all the citrus cultivars. Sweet orange contributes 71% of the total citrus production in the world.

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In Jalna district, Nucellar mosambi, Kagdi Mosambi and Rajapimpari are the major cultivars of sweet orange. Kagdi Mosambi is a traditional variety cultivated in Jalna. Kagdi Mosambi variety has small fruit size, thin peel, less fruit yield per tree and tree growth is also not so good hence trees become prone to many diseases. 

Therefore, to overcome with these problems, cultivation of new variety i.e. Nucellar variety started in last few decades. Nucellar variety produced in Jalna by grafting method. Rangpur lime stock from Rangpur, Bangladesh found to be the best suitable for sweet orange in Jalna. Nucellar variety possesses large fruit size, thick peel and also gives highest fruit yield per tree.

Spread of the Jalna sweet orange tree is largest as compared to other sweet orange varieties. Largest spread of the tree leads to the highest fruit yield per tree. Hence the yield of Nucellar sweet orange variety in Jalna is highest. Earlier maturity to the sweet orange fruit in Jalna is due to highest TSS/acid ratio. Juice of Jalna sweet orange is sweet in taste due to high TSS content.

Higher potassium and nitrogen leads to greater thickness of the peel. As the thick peel is the specific characteristic of sweet oranges in Jalna, this peel thickness in the nucellar variety is due to Rangpur lime stock. Tight and thick peel gives maximum protection to the pulp inside the fruit.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and Potassium are the very important nutrients present in all fruits. Presence of higher Nitrogen leads to Increases juice content, total soluble solids (TSS), and acid concentration. Also peel thickness increases due to higher nitrogen and fruit colour is green during harvest. These all characteristics are found exclusively in Jalna Sweet orange nucellar variety.

Total soluble solids constitute about 80 % sugars, 10% acids and 10 % nitrogenous compounds. An increase in sugars is accompanied by an increase in TSS. Nucellar variety of Jalna sweet orange gives highest TSS to the fruit. Hence the maximum content of sugar gives Sweet taste to this variety.

The sweet orange fruit is processed commercially in to various forms mainly juice, frozen concentrates, squash, RTS drinks, nectar, dry mixes, canned segments, juice blends, marmalades and other value-added products like pectin and essential oil from peel, natural colours, candied peel, feed yeast etc.

Fresh juice of sweet orange is an important nutritious product providing 45 kcal, moderate quantity of vitamin C, potassium, bioflavonoid and folic acid and essential items of breakfast. It is refreshing, thirst quenching and energizing drink that improves health and nutritional requirements.

The sweet orange peel contain sugars, edible fiber and many other components that offer excellent opportunities as value-added products, particularly those components that have biological activities (antioxidant, anti-cancer, cardio protective, and food/drug-interactions) or other attributes that are useful in the development of high-value food products from citrus peel.

Expressed sweet orange oil is primarily used for flavouring beverages, soft drinks, ice cream, sweets, pharmaceutical preparations, and also perfumes.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 31 May 2016

GI Tag Number                         : 495

Certificate Number                  : 266

Geographical Area                  : Maharashtra

Special Cover Release Date   : 05 September 2022

Cancellation                             : Jalna 431 203

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Cover Identification Number  : MH/27/2022

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