Monday, January 1, 2024

041. Joha Rice of Assam

Joha Rice of Assam is a special class of Sali rice (Winter rice). This indigenous rice class of Assam is characterised by its aromatic endosperm. It is the most preferred class of rice for eating and farmers of the state invariably grow this class of rice at least for their home consumption at special occasions.

A large number of traditional Joha varieties have been cultivated by the farmers since time immemorial. The 14th Century, Assamese Ramayana written by Kaviraja Madhava Kandali mentions that, food items made from Joha Rice was used by Ravana to awaken his brother Kumbhakarna from his deep sleep.

Joha rice is grown in marginal lands, uplands or on Sali seed beds after uprooting the seedlings, late in the season. Harvesting of crop will be done after attainment of physiological maturity after cultivating as a transplanted crop. The plants are tall, have long maturity duration and are photoperiod-sensitive. 

Joha rice has an average grain yield of less than one tonne per hectare. The low productivity and yield of this class of rice make it less favourable among the producers. Moreover, due to its aroma, pest attack is frequent, prone to lodging and takes relatively longer time to mature (120-160 days).

Joha rice  is known for its unique aroma, superfine kernel, good cooking qualities and excellent palatability. It is very popular due to its inherent scent. The uniqueness of Joha rice is mainly attributed to particular climatic conditions prevalent in the area. The excellent taste of Joha rice makes it perfect for preparing a number of delicious delicacies like table rice, Kheer Pulao and frumenty. 

Joha differs from Basmati rice (scented rice of India other than Joha) in many aspects. Basmati has superfine grains (>6.5 mm length), extra elongation (1.8 times), strong aroma and soft texture on cooking. In contrast, Joha grains are shorter (4.7 mm) have limited elongation (1.1 times). Though they don’t posses strong aroma and soft texture after cooking but don’t loose aroma either.

Research by Department of Science and Technology, India has found out that it is effective in lowering the blood glucose and preventing diabetes onset due to presence of two unsaturated fatty acids viz., linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3) acid. These essential fatty acids (which human cannot produce) can help maintain various physiological conditions. Omega-3 fatty acid prevents several metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Besides, Joha rice is also rich in several antioxidants, flavonoids, and phenolics. 

GI Tag Registration Date         : 27 April 2017

GI Tag Number                         : 439

Certificate Number                  : 287

Geographical Area                  : Assam

Special Cover Release Date   : 06 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Dhubri 783 301

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Cover Identification Number  : ASM/05/2021

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