Friday, February 9, 2024

081. Sanganer Hand Block Printing

Sanganer Hand Block Printing involves creation of intricate designs using a traditional block printing technique that originated in the village of Sanganer in Rajasthan. The base colour of Sanganer Hand Block Printing is white. 

Sanganer Hand Block Printing is done by using a Stamp or Wooden Block’s and by no other device. First, a design is drawn on paper, and then transferred to a wooden block. Turners locally known as Kharadiyes possess the skill of producing desired blocks by hand carving dried wood of plants like “shisham”, “gurjan”, “mango”, “teak” and “ardu”.

Sanganer Hand Block printing are known for their vibrant colours and intricate patterns. The design forms of the textile are known in terms of one or more of four terms i.e. Butis, Butas, Jhar and Border. The Motifs are generally based on natural forms mostly of flowers, petals, fruits or leaves of plants, geometric shapes, and other intricate patterns. 

The process of making Sanganer prints involves several steps. The Art and Skill for production of Sanganer Hand Block Printing is limited to a community known as Chhipas who have acquired this skill from their parents and grandparents through generations.

First the cloth is scoured and bleached, soaked overnight in water mixed with components like sesame oil and soda ash. In the morning, the cloth is rinsed then dried in the sun. This process is repeated for a week and increases the fibres ability to hold dye during the hand block printing process. This process is locally known as “Hari Sarana

The cloth is then soaked in a ‘harda’ solution – a dry powder from the fruit of the myrobalan tree mixed in water- until the fabric gains a yellow hue after drying out (“Peela Karana”)

Next, the process of ‘block printing’ begins (“Chapai”). Traditionally, black dye is used first on the light cloth and the colour enters later in the process. 

Then ‘begar’ – a mixture of grounded natural salt, tree gum and geru, is  applied onto the design by the same process of wood block printing, and then the cloth is left to dry (“Sughai”). The printed fabric is washed in running water to remove excess mordants (“Dhulai”)

Once complete and washed the cloth is soaked again a copper dye basin known as a ‘tamda’. As the water in this basin is allowed to slowly heat it up, the raise in temperature causes the red dye to spread beautifully. (“Ghan Rangai”)

One unique aspect of Sanganer block printing is the use of natural dyes, including block painting with vegetables such as indigo, turmeric, and pomegranate. The natural dyes are made from plants and minerals through a process of soaking, boiling, and straining. 

Then the production process involves a process known as 'Tapai' or Sun Bleaching which is typical and unique in the production of Sanganer Hand Block Printing. The fabric is laid flat on a river bed for drying.

Then the clothes are washed in the river and dried. The white background (kharili zameen) that is traditional to Sanganer block prints goes through the one final procedure to bleach and brighten the printed design.

Sanganer Hand Block Printing Textiles are mostly on cotton cloths and sometimes on cotton x silk. A wide range of Made ups, Home furnishings and Garments are produced from Sanganer Hand Block Printing Cloth.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 19 March 2009

GI Tag Number                         : 147

Certificate Number                  : 119

Geographical Area                  : Rajasthan

Special Cover Release Date   : 18 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Jaipur 302 001

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

This cover is issued with 7 other covers as a Presentation Pack titled "Special Cover & Cancellation - Geographical Indications of Rajasthan" priced at Rs. 100 per pack. Total quantity issued 2500 Nos.

Enlarged View of Cancellation

Enlarged View of Cancellation

Back Side Scan

There are few more special covers issued by India Post on Sanganer Hand Block Printing details of the same is furnished below. Not an exhaustive list but only items from my collection.

Special cover issued on 27th February 2009 cancelled at Jodhpur 342001 Rajpex 2009

Special cover issued on 4 January 2012. Cancelled at Jaipur 302001 Rajpex 2012.

This cover has a small replica of fabric with Sanganer Hand Block Printing

India post has issued a picture post card on Sanganer Hand Block Printing. Details are furnished below

Picture Post Card Issued on 16 October 2021 
Rajasthan Postal Circle

Back Side depicting Cancellation at Jaipur - 302001 on 16 October 2021

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