Saturday, February 10, 2024

082. Bagru Hand Block Print

Bagru Hand Block Print is a traditional form of hand block printing that originated in Bagru, a small town in Rajasthan, India. The Bagru hand block printing technique involves the use of hand-carved wooden blocks that are dipped in natural dyes and stamped onto the fabric by skilled artisans.

Designs cut out on wooden blocks are transferred into textiles using two styles - direct printing and resist dye style (Dabu). In the Dabu hand block printing technique, mud is used as a resist in the dyeing process. Ingredients in the Dabu (mud) include mud from dried up lake beds, wheat powder, gum and lime, mixed and sieved through a fine muslin cloth and used as a base for block printing. 

The mud resist mixture is soaked overnight, and then, using wooden blocks, is printed on the fabric. Prior to drying the fabric in the sun, the mud (printed parts of the fabric) is covered with saw dust. As a final process the fabric is dipped in the dye and dried. Each fabric that is block printed goes through a wash 2-4 times. Designs then reveal themselves on the fabric, on the parts where the mud resist was applied. Some colour does penetrate through the mud, giving it a cracked batik-like appearance.

Bagru block printing is similar to that in Sanganer, where motifs carved out on wooden blocks, are printed directly with dyes on light colour fabric. However there are few key differentiators between Bagru and Sanganer block printing, which make each one of them unique.

The first difference is created by water. On one hand, water created darker prints on Sanganer fabrics, meanwhile, water brings out the reddish tone in Bagru prints. This difference is associated with scarcity of water in Bagru and excess availability of water in Sanganer.

Secondly, the key difference between the two is the Sanganer uses fine lines with sober colours and intricate detailing whereas Bagru print uses bold lines with bold motifs.

The last difference between the two is background. On one hand, Sanganer print is done on off – white or pure white background whereas the Bagru print uses blue or indigo background as the base for block printing.

Motifs of Bagru Prints are small in size and can be one or two of following five groups: 

  • Motifs of Flowers, Leaves and Buds; 
  • Motifs of Intertwisted Tendrils; 
  • Motifs of Trellis Designs; 
  • Motifs of Figurative Designs; 
  • Motifs of Geometrical designs;

Bagru Hand Block Printed fabric is well known and distinct from other printed fabric due to its Black and Red colour combinations harmonized on the same piece.

The art of Bagru block printing has been passed down through generations of artisans, and it continues to be an essential part of the region's cultural heritage. The unique feature of Bagru printing is the use of natural dyes to create intricate designs that are both vibrant and durable.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 11 May 2011

GI Tag Number                         : 183

Certificate Number                  : 150

Geographical Area                  : Rajasthan

Special Cover Release Date   : 18 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Jaipur 302 001

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Picture Post Card Issued on 16 October 2021 
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