Thursday, March 7, 2024

109. Sirsi Supari

Sirsi Supari is described as Arecanut cultivated in Sirsi, Siddapur and Yellapur Taluk regions of Uttara Kannada District located in the Western Ghat region of Karnataka State. It is medium sized, flat rounded in shaped, ash coloured and hard seed. The fruit turns from yellow to scarlet colour as it ripens and then consists of a thick fibrous pericarp, which encloses this seed

Botanical description of Sirsi Supari is: 

Kingdom            : Plantae 

Sub Kingdom    : Tracheobionta. 

Super Division  : Spermatophyta. 

Division              : Magnoliphyta. 

Class                  : Loliopsida. 

Sub Class          : Arecidae. 

Family                : Arecaceae. 

Genus                : Areca L. 

Species              : Areca catechu

Sirsi Supari is grown in slender, single trunked, monoecious palm with a prominent crown shaft. Flowers are unisexual, with both male and female flowers borne in the same inflorescence.   Fronds are even‐pinnately compound. Fruits are fibrous, ovoid drupe, yellow to orange in colour when ripe. Seeds are usually ellipsoidal with flattened base

Climate and soil condition of Uttar Kannada region with high rainfall and above the sea level of 580 meters contributes to special characteristics of Sirsi Supari like size and taste. The largest area under the crop is found in gravelly laterite soils of red clay type.  It can also be grown on fertile clay loam soils.  

Areca nut is propagated only by seeds. For obtaining good germination, the seed nuts are sown as whole fruits.  After six months in primary nursery, the seedlings are to be transplanted to secondary nursery beds. Areca sprouts and seedlings are very delicate and do not withstand exposure to direct sunlight.  Proper shade should be provided to the nursery to protect the seedlings. 

Seedlings with maximum number of leaves, minimum height and maximum girth are to be selected for planting.  Areca palm does not withstand water logging, drought and direct exposure to sunlight. Adequate protection to the palm trees is provided. 

The pre‐bearing age of the palm ranges from 5 to 8 years. The colour of the fruit during its growth changes from green to different shades of yellow and red during ripening. Tender nuts are harvested from July to December and ripe nuts from December to March or from May to July. Three or four plucking is done during the whole season. 

Arecanut is known for its medical uses since ancient times. Bhat (Forth Century AD) has described its uses against Leucoderma, Leprosy, Cough, Fits, Worms, Anemia and obesity. It has also been mentioned for its uses as purgative and as an ointment along with several other ingredients for the treatment of nasal ulcers. 

Bhavamitra (Thirteenth Century AD) mentioned the use of Arecanut as a stimulant and an appetizer. According to Watt (1889) the powdered nuts were held in repute as an anti‐helminthic for dogs for many centuries for its efficacy in the expulsion of tapeworms

GI Tag Registration Date         : 04 March 2019

GI Tag Number                         : 464

Certificate Number                  : 337

Geographical Area                  : Karnataka

Special Cover Release Date   : 30 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Sirsi 581 401

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : KTK/28/2021

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