Monday, March 11, 2024

113. Devanahalli Pomello

Devanahalli Pomello or Chakkota, thick yellow skinned fruit is the largest sized citrus fruit grown extensively in Devanahalli region, Karnataka. It is known in the western world as the principle ancestor of the grape-wine and also as pomello, shaddock and Batavia lemon. 

Botanical classification of Devanahalli Pomello is 

Kingdom   : Plantae

Phylum     : Magnoliphyta.

Class        : Magnoliopsida.

Order        : Sapindales.

Family      : Rutaceae.

Genus      : Citrus 

Species    : Grandis

Devanahalli Pomello is a small tree growing to a height of 5-15 m with a crooked trunk and low irregular branches. Spines are present in the branchlets, old limb and trunk. Leaves are compound and large with broadly winged petiole. 

Flowers are fragrant in short axillary racemes or sometimes in terminal racemes. Flowers have hairy Calyx with 4-5 petals in yellowish-white colour. Stamens are white, prominent in bundles of 4-5 with orange anthers. 

Fruit shape ranges from round to oblate or pear-shaped 10-30 cm wide with loose thick spongy rind. The rind is greenish-yellow, minutely hairy dotted with green large oil glands. The pulp is pinkish to red, very juicy to fairly dry and the segments are easily skinned. 8-10 seeds in a matured fruit, which are viable and germinate

The carpels (juicy vescicles / pulp) are pinkish, juicy to fairly dry and the segments are easily skinned. It has characteristic blend of sweet and sour taste with high yield. Fruits grown in other areas and other pomello varieties will not yield reddish pink carpels of the fruits and has acid and sour taste.

Cool and moderately humid climate prevail in and around Devanahalli. Soil is shallow, somewhat excessively drained, gravely loam to clay soils. These geographical features creates the distinctive taste of Devanahalli Pomello.

Plants are propagated through cuttings, grafting and Air layering. Air layering techniques is common method used by the farmers in the area and by doing so they maintain the original quality of the planting material.

Soil is brought to fine tilth by ploughing. Mixture of Farm Yard Manure, top soil, neem cake and ground nut cake are added to the pit and graft will be planted and watered. Seedling raised by seeds is planted in rainy season (June-July). Air layer/grafts can be planted any time of the year. No chemical/inorganic fertilizers are provided. 

Generally two flowering viz., December/January and June/July and two fruiting seasons viz. February/march and August/September are observed in well maintained gardens. It takes 9 months for fruit maturity and can be harvested anytime after 9 months for consumption. For collection of seeds for seedling purpose (for propagation) fruit must be in plant for 11 months.

Its medicinal value is immense as it is rich in Vitamin C and beta carotene. The rind is used to make cosmetics and Ayurvedic medicines. Devanahalli pomello is rich in fibre and antioxidants and is said to be good for the heart and to control diabetes.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 04 September 2009

GI Tag Number                         : 131

Certificate Number                  : 113

Geographical Area                  : Karnataka

Special Cover Release Date   : 31 August 2021

Cancellation                             : Bengaluru 560 001

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : KTK/33/2021

Each cover is numbered. Total number of covers issued is not mentioned.

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