Tuesday, March 12, 2024

114. Appemidi Mango

Appemidi Mango is a native of the forests of the Western Ghats, where there are natural plantations of centuries-old mango trees in the valleys of the Aghanashini, Kumudvati, Kali, Varada, Bedthi and Sharavathi rivers in Uttara Kannada and Shimoga districts.

The Appemidi Mango are recognized by their unique aroma and taste apart from their colour, shape, size, pulp content, shelf-life, consistency and the season of harvest. 

Biological classification of Appemidi Mango is as follows:

Kingdom    : Plantae

Phylum      : Magnoliphyta.

Class         : Magnoliopsida.

Sub Class : Rosidae

Order        : Sapindales

Family      : Anacardiaceae

Genus      : Mangifera

Species    : Indica L

Normally the trees are large with straight boles and leaves up to 15-20 cm long. Flowers are very fragrant, small and creamy white. They are mainly pollinated by bees. Flowering season starts generally from January to March. 

The fruits are fragile with fewer fibre content and sour in taste. Ripe fruits cannot be eaten directly. The unripe fruit are used for pickle. The latex oozes out when the stock of the fruit is cut and has a characteristic aroma by which the sub-varieties are differentiated. 

The latex is responsible for the keeping quality of the fruit and the taste. It is this latex that acts like a preservative and keeps the pickle for 3-4 years. The raw fruits (young) are used mainly for pickles.

Ripe fruits are long, lanceolate with bent apex. The processed one can be stored for more than 2 years. The fruits are somewhat flattened. This particular variety is known for pickling in the coastal areas of the state. 

Following are the few varieties with their distinguishing characteristics 

  • Jeerige midi (with zeera smell and small size) 
  • Karpoora midi (with camphor smell and medium size) 
  • Nimbe midi (with lemon smell and roundish size) 
  • Sada midi 
  • Malanji 
  • Anathabhattana appe 
  • Sheenappa Setty Appe (grafted and multiplied by Sheenappa Setty in that region and high latex content which enhances the keeping quality) 
  • Sagar Appe (Large size and strong aroma)

Appemidi Mango plants generally found growing along the streams. Sandy loam soil with higher content manganese and humus along streams are the major factor for the fruit qualities. Earlier this crop was not cultivated. Now with the increased demands, farmers started cultivating the crop.

In the land of their origin, appemidis are also used to make gojju (a kind of chutney), sasuve (a different preparation), appehuli, chutney and thambli, which is a good digestive.

GI Tag Registration Date         : 04 September 2009

GI Tag Number                         : 132

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