Wednesday, April 17, 2024

150. Thirukannur Papier Mache Craft

Thirukannur Papier Mache Craft is a popular craft work of Puducherry Union Territory, which is made of paper pulp coarsely meshed and mixed with copper sulphate and rice flour and moulded into the desired shape. The designers then sketch the designs intricately and finally it is lacquered and polished in bright colours. A touch of golden colour is always found on all papier Mache products owing its root to the Persian design.

The products are always excellent in workmanship or design and are elaborately decorated and profoundly detailed and available in various shapes, designs for different end uses. Toys of Papier Mache made in Puducherry are also a favourite buy for many, not only in India but, across the world.

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This technique was brought to Puducherry by the French. Some of the earliest examples of the Thirukannur Papier Mache Craft can be seen in the wall hangings at the ‘Kaps Koil’, or Our Lady of Angels Church. The craft has been in Puducherry for 120 years.

Raw - materials used to make Thirukannur Papier Mache Craft products are Paper powder, Chalk powder, Limestone powder, Zinc Sulphate  and Starch powder

Starch powder is mixed with some amount of water and cooked for some time to make paste. Small quantity of Zinc sulphate is added while cooking which will help to keep the product from insects. 1 bowl of paper powder is mixed with 2 bowl of chalk powder and 2 limestone powder. These materials are mixed thoroughly with water and a paste is prepared.

The mixture of Paper powder, limestone and chalk powder is combined with starch powder paste and both are thoroughly mixed. The required design pattern is made by using clay. Then the plaster of Paris is mixed with water and put over the clay model and allowed for curing. After curing the clay portions of removed. The mould for the particular design is ready. 

The prepared paste is applied on the design or mould to make the product. To increase the strength of the product, cut pieces of the papers are pasted inside the mould. The Moulds are exposed to sunlight for drying. Then the mounds are taken out, now the product is ready for colouring. 

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Based on the style and nature of the product, different colours are applied. One more important feature of this art is that they use only natural colours. 

There are certain colour coding for this craft. Figures that are part of religious services are made in orange or rose colour. Newly wedded couple is painted in orange or pink. Traditional plaster of Paris toys is made with white, pale blue or cream colours. Accessories are further put on these figures to give them the rich look.

The conception of design, plotting it on the mould and then on finished products require great skill and experience. The correct choice of design and intricacy of the work are done by the master craftsman. 

GI Tag Registration Date         : 18 August 2011

GI Tag Number                         : 202

Certificate Number                  : 155

Geographical Area                  : Puducherry

Special Cover Release Date   : 28 September 2021

Cancellation                             : Tirukkanur 605 501

Type                                          : GI Tag Cover

Cover Identification Number  : TN/23/2021

Each cover is numbered and in total 2000 covers are issued. 

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