Sunday, April 21, 2024

154. Kannauj Perfume

Kannauj Perfume (or Kannauj Attar) represents fragrances (attars), essential oils, incense sticks, dhoop sticks, hawan material, gulkand (sweetmeat made of rose petals and sugar), Rose water and scent sprays made in Uttar Pradesh.

Attar is a Persian/Arabic word meaning fragrance, scent or essence. Essential oils are usually prepared by fragrance extraction techniques such as distillation (including steam distillation), cold pressing, or extraction (maceration). The distillation technique is used predominantly in Kannauj for making essential oils. 

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The practice of extracting natural perfume oils or attars from flowers, herbs and spices in India is more than 5000 years old. The blending and mixing processes are trade secret of Kannauj. The uniqueness of Kannauj attar industry lies in its know-how of fragrance and fragrance blending learned in centuries long existence and reputation for producing quality Attar.

When the fragrance of flowers, herbs and spices are collected by hydro-distillation on a base material the attar is made. Sandalwood oil due to its chemical properties is the best base for attar. In the course of distillation original perfume of sandal becomes thin as it absorbs the fragrance of flowers. Alternative base materials liquid paraffin and Di-Octyl Phthalate (DOP) are used for making cheaper attars.

The attars are made using the centuries old copper vessels called Deg (Kettle) or Still and Bhapka (Receiver). The Deg & Bhapka system is based on hydro-distillation technique. The lid of the Deg is called Sarpos. It is also made of copper having openings for connections to one or two receivers. The Deg and Bhapka are connected by a Chonga. This is a long bamboo pipe wrapped with twine of insulation. The Chonga acts as a condenser. 

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The attars can be classified as follows on the basis of flower (raw material used): 

  • Gulab (Rosa Damascena or Rose Edward); 
  • Kewra (Pandanus Odaritismus); 
  • Motia (Jasmimum Sambac); 
  • Gulhina (Lawsonia Alba); 
  • Chameli (Jasmimum Glandiforum); 
  • Kadam (Antochephalus Cadamba); 
  • Khus (Vetiver); 
  • Henna (Lausonia Inermis) and its various forms like Shamama, Shaman-Tul-Amber, Mus Amber and Musk Henna
  • Mitti (Gill from the baked earth of Kannauj). 

Excluding Henna rest of the attars are made from a single floral/plant material. Henna attar is a perfume compound. There are following three methods in use for producing attar in Kannauj: 

  • Hydro-distillation to make attar out of flowers like rose and Kewra; 
  • Solvent Extractions for making attars from fragile flowers like Bela, Rajnigandha and Chameli; and 
  • Steam method for making attar from Khas and Nagar Motha. 

The quality of attar chiefly depends on the following factors: 

  • the quality of flowers (raw material); 
  • the time duration between the plucking and distillation of flowers; and 
  • the base material. 

GI Tag Registration Date         : 31 March 2014

GI Tag Number                         : 157

Certificate Number                  : 203

Geographical Area                  : Uttar Pradesh

Special Cover Release Date   : 29 September 2021

Cancellation                             : Kannauj 209 725

Type                                          : GI Tag - ODOP Cover

Cover Identification Number  : UP/60/2021

This cover is primarily issued as part of promotion for UP State One District One Product initiative. However it is also a GI Tagged Product with GI Tag details on back side of the cover. 

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